
Script Documentation

Creating a Script —— Creating a bot script requires some knowledge of C#.

I would strongly recommend using the script editor that comes with RBot. This can be opened by clicking ‘Edit Script’ on the RBot Scripts form, or by running ScriptEditor.exe found in the RBot directory.

To create a script, simply open the script editor and you will be presented with a blank template script.

The main class (called Script by default) can be called anything, but must be the first class declared in the script!

The ScriptMain method acts as the entry point for the script. The method must not be enclosed in a class. When the script is started by the bot, the code in this method is run.

Scripts are always run on their own thread, separate from the UI thread. This means you can pause the script thread without bothering the rest of the application.

All the standard .NET APIs can be used in scripts. This means you can use any standard namespace as follows:

using RBot;
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;

public class Script
	public void ScriptMain(ScriptInterface bot)
		Console.WriteLine("Hello World");
		MessageBox.Show("Hello World");

You can also create custom classes and use them in scripts as you would anywhere else in C#:

using RBot;
using System.Windows.Forms;

public class Script
	public class TestClass
		public string TestString { get; set; }

		public TestClass()
			TestString = "This class has been instantiated";

	public void ScriptMain(ScriptInterface bot)
		TestClass test = new TestClass();

This would show a native windows MessageBox containing the message "This class has been instantiated", as you would expect. Custom classes can also be defined outside of the main script class (Script in the example above), but they must be declared after the main script class.

The Script Interface

The ScriptInterface class provides a multitude of methods and properties for accessing and interacting with the game. An instance of the ScriptInterface class is passed as the first (and only) argument to the ScriptMain method of every script run by the bot application.